RZ Acquisition, Inc. (RZ), a private holding company invested in MedTech.

I am a 25+ year veteran of medical devices and med-tech (Wound Care and Neurosciences) with a strong finance, product development, business and business development background and am CEO and President of RZ. LinkedIn Profile

Initially, this RZ website is a place to share thoughts and observations and knowledge I have developed, learned and or experienced over the years about “The Intersection of Medical Sciences, Policy, and Business”

Please read, enjoy and I hope maybe to stimulate some new thinking as we push to improve our health and our healthcare technologies.

Howison Schroeder

  • President, RZ Acquisition, Inc.
  • CEO, Neuro-Innovators, LLC
  • Past Director Neurolign Technologies, Inc.
  • Past CEO of Neuro Kinetics, Inc. (acquired by Neurolign Technologies, Inc.)