Neurosciences – Need is Growing, but not Investments: Part #2

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Why do Neuro Drug Trials/ Studies Fail?

Neurologic evaluations remain highly subjective in a time of transformative digital advances. The big unmet need for the neurosciences is a practical tool that provides highly sensitive, objective neuro-functional data. Given the poor track record of FDA approvals for neuro-drugs, one would think the drug companies would be at the front of the line to fund such advances. The reality, however, is that companies with or close to a solution are starving for capital.

As before, feel free to head to my website where both Post #1 & 2 of the, "Neurosciences –Need is Growing, but not Investments", can be found. Post #3 will be next week.

Thank you for your interest and please feel free to comment.

J Howison Schroeder

Neurosciences –Need is Growing, but not Investments: Part #1

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Neurology- The new Oncology?

Cancers are being cured, heart disease is being addressed, and we are living longer. So, what is the next medical frontier we need to conquer? Neurology, our own brains.

  • “The burden of almost all neurological disorders increased from 1990 to 2017” JAMA Neurologic Disorders Article (JAMA Neurol. 2021;78(2):165-176. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.4152).
  • “The number of people diagnosed with PD (Parkinson’s Disease) increases with age.” (Parkinson's Statistics).
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), aka concussions, impact our younger population. Multiple, repetitive sports concussions can lead to neurologic issues later in life. Concussions have generated prominent headlines for the last 15 years.

So, is “Neurology is the new oncology?”, as Harris Kaplan, a highly respected medical strategy consultant, recently declared?