RZ Acquisition, Inc. (RZ), a private holding company invested in MedTech.

I am a 25+ year veteran of medical devices and med-tech (Wound Care and Neurosciences) with a strong finance, product development, business and business development background and am CEO and President of RZ. LinkedIn Profile

Initially, this RZ website is a place to share thoughts and observations and knowledge I have developed, learned and or experienced over the years about “The Intersection of Medical Sciences, Policy, and Business”

Please read, enjoy and I hope maybe to stimulate some new thinking as we push to improve our health and our healthcare technologies.

Howison Schroeder

  • President, RZ Acquisition, Inc.
  • CEO, Neuro-Innovators, LLC
  • Past Director Neurolign Technologies, Inc.
  • Past CEO of Neuro Kinetics, Inc. (acquired by Neurolign Technologies, Inc.)

Neurosciences – Need is Growing, but not Investments: Part #3

Private Capital in the Neurosciences… is Overdue

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Private Capital in the Neurosciences… is Overdue

Hello Friends, Visitors and the Curious,

In this my third and final post for “Neurosciences – Need is Growing, but not Investments: sub-titled: “Private Capital in the Neurosciences… is Overdue”

I am deeply flattered that my first Linkedin post is now at 1,229 views and my second at nearly 3,000! A big thank you to all that took the time to read my work.

In this release, I discuss the complexities of investing in the neuro-device space. It is not for the faint of heart. That said, complexity also scares away competition. My father advised, “look for the un-swept corner then clean up”. I think I have successfully made the case that there is a significant unmet need in the neurosciences, i.e., the need for objective measurement tool(s), ones with high sensitivity and properly matched specificity, that can: provide early detection, map the natural history of a disease, and monitor the effectiveness of any drug regimen.

There are solutions to fill the need, and, as a result, money to be made.  Success, however, requires leadership, solid analytics, and capital to clean up this corner. Money will be made by someone.

Please read. I welcome your comments and feedback either here or to my email jhschroeder2@rzacquisition.com.

Thank you for your interest in this important topic.

Howison Schroeder
July 22, 2021
Note: My two previous releases were published as “posts” on Linkedin. I have since learned that by publishing an “article” on Linkedin, I get more analytics for much longer (2years) rather than a few months. I hope this did not/ does not cause confusion. JHS